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Tax Number in Turkey, what is Its Importance?

Posted by admin on June 22, 2022

Turkey determines the identity of every person entering its territory who wishes to carry out an operation Buying a property in Turkey, Or an investment of any kind through an identification number that it maintains in its various administrative departments, called the tax number, she will explain Europ Homes Real Estate All the information about him is in her blog.

Article Contents:

  • What is meant by the tax number in Turkey?
  • What is the tax number used for in Turkey?
  • Required Paperwork to obtain the tax number in Turkey?
  • How to obtain a tax number in Turkey?
  • The cost of the tax number in Turkey and its validity period?
  • What is the difference between the tax number in Turkey and the identification number?


Keep reading the article to get to know the tax number in Turkey and the purpose of obtaining it for foreigners in Turkey, especially those willing to purchase properties for sale in Istanbul or Obtaining Turkish citizenship in exchange for buying a property .

What is meant by the tax number in Turkey?

Contrary to its name, which suggests to many foreigners that it is a special number for taxing foreigners in Turkey, tax number is considered or as it called in Turkish “vergi numarasi” one of the most important administrative numbers to facilitate carrying out all financial, legal and investment transactions for Turkish citizens and foreigners present on Turkish territory in all confidentiality and safety.

Tax number consists of 9 digits that are not the same and differ at the same time from one person to another to maintain the principle of safety in conducting various administrative and legal transactions.


What is the tax number used for in Turkey?

The tax number in Turkey is important to the foreigner on several levels, including:

  • Facilitating all the administrative and legal transactions in Turkey.
  • Tax number is on of the important Paperwork to own a property in Turkey as well as cars and more.
  • Opening a bank account in Turkey is only possible by having a tax number.
  • Tax number is important to pass driver license test.
  • Tax number is important in all bill payment, taxes and fees transactions, including taxes and fees related to purchase a real estate in Turkey.

Required Paperwork to obtain the tax number in Turkey?

Tax number does not require much paperwork that complicate the process of obtaining it, you can go to the nearest branch of Tax Department and request it by providing a copy of a valid passport as well as a residence address in Turkey or outside Turkey, in addition to a phone number to receive the verification message.

It should be noted that the address of residence outside Turkey must be translated and verified by the notary “noter”.

Once the above mentioned paper work is provided to the tax department employee, they will provide a paper with your tax number written on it.

Tax number does not require any type of residence permit in Turkey, which makes it easy to obtain.

And since the ending of 2020, it became easier to anyone to obtain the tax number online following some steps on the website without the need to go to the tax department, which made it easier to the foreigners by removing the need to travel between different tax departments, waiting time, and the communication difficulties because of the language barrier for some.

Europ Homes Real Estate provides customers wishing to buy real estate in Turkey with the service of obtaining a tax number in less than 5 minutes through its administrative team.

 The cost of the tax number in Turkey and its validity period

To obtain the tax number in Turkey, the foreigner does not need to pay any fees or charges, it is considered a free procedure offered by the Turkish government to Turkish citizens and foreigners at the same time.

There is no validity period for the tax number in Turkey, since it can be valid for a lifetime, and in case of losing it, you can simply visit your account on E-Devlet website, or visit the closest tax department in your area to get more information in that regard.

What is the difference between the tax number in Turkey and the identification number?

There is a big difference between the tax number and the identification number in terms of principle and usage.

Tax number is used for administrative purposes and legal transactions, while the identification number is the ID number in Turkey that is written on the residence permit for the foreigners in Turkey. All foreigners can obtain the tax number while no all foreigners can obtain residence permit unless they want that with the availability of certain conditions differs depending on the type of required permit.

Tax number is considered on of the most important paperwork to obtain residence permit in Turkey or Turkish citizenship.

If you would like to visit Turkey in order to buy a property for sale in Turkey or obtain real estate residency or Turkish citizenship, we offer you Europ Homes Real Estate Its services are free of charge, including all services related to administrative transactions in Turkey, most notably assistance in obtaining the tax number in Turkey.

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