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The real estate bubble, its reasons and ways to avoid it

It’s natural for real estate prices to change globally between rising and decreasing, but sometimes the prices rise suddenly and reach unreasonable numbers, then they suddenly drop, and this is what is known as the real estate bubble. What is the real estate bubble? Real estate bubble means the occurrence of sudden unreasonable price increase of properties, but it soon decreases gradually or suddenly, the real estate bubble starts with the increase of real estate demand that is higher than the listed

Commercial Real Estate in Turkey

Many foreigners of those willing to purchase a real estate in Turkey, prefer to invest in a commercial real estate as its more profitable, it’s guaranteed due to previous experiences for foreigners who bought commercial real estate in Turkey and used them to their advantage to make high profits. What is Commercial Real Estate? It is the real estate that the investor benefits from in investments and economic business, as Turkey has become

The importance of real estate evaluation in Turkey and its advantages:

Starting on 4th of March 2019 and according to the 1/2019 numbered law, it is necessary for the people willing to purchase a real estate in Turkey before signing the title deed is to get an evaluation report for all the real estate sales that its buyers or sellers are foreign, and getting a real estate evaluation report has be come mandatory not only for the properties that a foreigner buys in order to acquire the Turkish citizenship, but for all the real estate selling transactions ...

Real estate price forecasts in Turkey 2023:

Turkey as achieved a strong economic renaissance during the past twenty years, which allowed it to reserve an important place among the strongest economies around the world, and enabled it to impose an important political presence in the region, the reason behind these achievements is the good planning and hard work according to 2023 vision of Turkey. When speaking about the house prices in Turkey in general and Istanbul in particular, it is evident that it enjoys a very affordable prices and considered ...

Where to find a cheap for sale property in turkey

A large segment of people who come to Turkey to buy real estate choose to search for cheap apartments either for sale or for real estate investment, as there’s an mutual goal among all of them which is saving money while getting an apartment with special and modern features, real estate prices in Turkey considered to be cheap and moderate compared to real estate prices in European or American countries, and if you look at the Arab real estate markets you’d find that prices in some...

Successful ideas for real estate investment in Turkey

Real estate investment is considered among the best investment opportunities in Turkey, since real estate investment is mostly affected by the country’s economy and its development activities, Turkey is considered the first and best candidate for real estate investment in the world. Real estate is the largest growing and profitable sector in the world and achieves guaranteed and far-reaching results, also, the continuous increase in the real estate prices in Turkey because of the foreign demand makes real estate investment one of the greatest investment opportunities in Turkey, ...

Get to know the bank transactions during purchasing a property

The Turkish market today is witnessing an increase in the arrivals count and those interested in the Turkish real estate market, therefore, it is necessary to secure a safe place for the investors’ funds to ensure that they are not transferred when travelling between countries, as well as an increase of foreign arrivals with investment intents in various sectors, therefore, it’s important to have bank accounts that makes all the transactions and the necessary documents...

How to avoid real estate fraud in Turkey

Recently, the Turkish government established special laws to protect foreign investors and real estate buyers which allows foreigners to purchase real estate in Turkey without being vulnerable to real estate fraud, as Turkey today became the first real estate destination for businessmen and those interested in obtaining the Turkish citizenship alongside their original citizenship, this is due to the cultural and diverse social services Turkey provides, in addition to the strong infrastructure, and the easy and fast legal procedure

The importance of purchasing a property through a real estate agent

As a result, to the big increase in the foreign investors in Turkey who are looking to purchase a property in Turkey, therefore the need to have an experienced agent who can follow up on the purchase and selling process, and offer advice to the customer or the investor in various ways, has become an importance when purchasing a real estate

Potential Problems During Property Ownership in Turkey

لطالما ظلّ العقار واحدًا من أهمّ المحفظات الاستثمارية الناجحة التي يصل فيها المستثمر بشكل مضمون إلى أهدافه شريطة أن يكون دقيقًا في اختياراته. وينجم عادة عن عدم الدّقة والاحترافية وتوخّي الحيطة أثناء شراء عقار في تركيا بعض المشاكل التي قد يقع فيها العميل الأجنبي بسبب عامل اللغة وقلة الخبرة. في مقال يوروب هومز العقارية اليوم، نتحدّث عن بعض المشاكل التي قد يتعرّض لها المستثمر …

Russians and Iranians are buying real estate in Turkey

Turkey has become a major destination for investors are those interested in purchasing real estate from all over the world, Arab investors are also interested in Turkey in terms in investment as well as settling, also, Turkish market still attracting foreign investors each year. Real estate investment in Turkey has witnessed a comprehensive renaissance at all levels in recent years, alongside issuing a package of laws that attract foreign investors

Safety standards while investing in Turkish real estate

يتّفق خبراء العقار في العالم أنّه لا يوجد شيء اسمه الفشل في الاستثمار العقاري، حيث أنّ الحاجة إلى المكاتب والشقق دائمة، أمّا الاختلاف يقع فقط حول الوقت المناسب للاستثمار والانسجام مع قانون العرض والطلب الذي تخضع له العقارات في العالم ككلّ. لتجنّب التوقيت الخاطئ لخطوة الاستثمار العقاري في تركيا، تنصحكم يوروب هومز العقارية باتباع قواعد السلامة أثناء تملك عقارات تركيا خاصّة ذات الطابع الاستثماري …

Everything About Purchasing a Real Estate in Turkey During Summer 2022

يجد العملاء الأجانب ضالتهم في شراء عقارات تركيا خلال فترة الصيف، نظرا لعدة أسباب أهمّها أنّ الصيف موسم عطل ما يناسب تنقلات رجال الأعمال بشكل حر خارج أوطانهم. يوروب هومز العقارية توضّح لعملائها اليوم مزايا تملك عقار في تركيا خلال فترة الصيف، وكيفية الحصول على أفضل العروض والأسعار خلال هذا الموسم. تفاصيل المقال لماذا الصيف موسم العقارات في تركيا؟ أفكار للاستثمار العقاري في تركيا …

Find out about the prices of apartments in Istanbul 2022 / 2023

One of what opens the appetite of foreigners to own property in Turkey is “the prices of apartments in Istanbul” that suit different types of financial budgets. A foreigner can find cheap apartments for sale in Istanbul with a price of up to 50 thousand dollars. At the same time, luxury apartments for sale in Istanbul are valued with what Over 1 million dollars. Also, the discounts and discounts in the prices of apartments for sale in Istanbul …

What is meant by after-sales services in Turkey?

يعتقد الكثير من المستثمرين الأجانب الذين يقومون بشراء عقارات للبيع في اسطنبول عن طريق شركات عقارية أو وكيل عقاري مرخّص في تركيا أنّ الخدمات المقدمة تتوقف عند الجولات العقارية وإتمام معاملات الشراء إلى غاية تسليم المفاتيح فقط ! إلاّ أنّ ما يجهله هؤلاء أنّ الخدمات الحقيقية والمرافقة الفعلية لشركات العقار على رأسها يوروب هومز العقارية تنطلق تماما بعد تسليم المفاتيح فيما يطلق عليه بخدمات …

Do you have an idea about owning real estate in Asian Istanbul?

المحظوظ فقط، من يقوم بـخطوة شراء عقار في اسطنبول ، هذه المدينة الساحرة المتوزعة على قارتين ولها من الجمال ما يأسر كل زائر لها. صحيح أنّ أغلب العملاء الوافدين لاسطنبول يبحثون عن شقق للبيع في اسطنبول الأوروبية بحكم أنّها مركز أغلب المعالم الأثرية والسياحية والاقتصادية في المدينة، لكن هل لدى عملاء يوروب هومز العقارية فكرة حول التملك في اسطنبول الأسيوية ولماذا أصبح هذا الطرف يجذب …

What papers does a foreigner need to buy a property in Turkey?

Since its issuance of the law to abolish reciprocity during the ownership of real estate in Turkey in 2012, and then its later launch in 2018, the Turkish citizenship program in exchange for buying a property for 250 thousand US dollars instead of one million dollars, Turkey has become a popular destination for foreigners wishing to buy apartments, villas, shops and offices And various other types of real estate. With the option of owning a property in Turkey installed, many investors stop…

What are the questions that you should ask before the move to own property in Turkey?

Do I buy a property in Turkey or in another country? In fact, any investment step in life begins with a question that carries with it a lot of confusion and hesitation about taking the step, postponing it, canceling it, or replacing it with a second plan. There is no doubt that any foreigner who previously owned in Turkey or intends to take the step of owning real estate in Turkey in the future also comes to his mind…

In detail.. Learn about the types of real estate for sale in Turkey!

Many foreigners accept Turkish real estate because they find in this charming country what they want to buy. In Turkey, there are many options in terms of types of real estate for sale in Turkey, locations, views, as well as spaces, designs, etc.. But on the other hand, the most difficult challenge facing a foreigner remains how to determine his choices and arrange his investment priorities in terms of the appropriate types of housing and the appropriate types of investment, i.e. how to buy real estate…

What are the best real estate investment areas in Istanbul 2022?

من دون منازع ، تتصدّر اسطنبول أرقام وإحصائيات الاستثمار العقاري في تركيا على مدار العقدين الأخيرين ، كما أنّها استحوذت على 18.5 % من إجمالي مبيعات العقارات في تركيا خلال 2021 بواقع 276 ألفا و223 عقار . واجتمعت عدّة أسباب جعلت من عقارات اسطنبول الأكثر جذبا للمستثمرين الأتراك والأجانب في آن واحد . في مدوّنة يوروب هومز العقارية، سنحدد لكم أهم أسباب التملك في …

The concept of title deed, its fees and steps to extract it

It is customary after the purchase of any particular property is to provide the buyer with the instrument of ownership really shows have this property legally within the state registries and the possibility to design it and sell it later, this official document processing and reservation in the Directorate of Cadastre and the General Directorate of space in the state to ensure the right of the owner in full . Let's get together on the steps of the terms and provisions of the document title in Turkey . What is document ...

the right real estate investment in Turkey

Think of the real estate market in Turkey a platform of investment projects in the Middle East , due to the strategic importance of the economy of the Republic of Turkey, which undoubtedly reflected positively on investment and long-term projects, in which , as the features of the real estate market in Turkey abundance of options and competitive high especially under the laws of the facilitator and the conscience rights of aliens wishing to enjoy in Turkey, which has been used specifically jump-start the real estate market to remain bouncy and interactive ...

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