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Permanent Residence in Turkey, Advantages, Requirements, and ways to obtain it:

Posted by admin on November 24, 2022

In the recent years, Turkey has made an important space for itself, and took place among the countries that attracts investments thanks to the many improvements that Turkey has made to improve all types of investments, and to motivate investors and attract foreign capitals to circulate in its economy, therefore, there are many who would like to stay in Turkey, according to the laws related to investing andpurchase real estate in Turkey, there’s a big portion among those thinking in permanent residence in Turkey through real estate ownership, because it is known that real estate investor can obtain real estate residence permit that can be continuously renewed as long as the investor owns the property, one of the requirements of the permanent residence permit is the existence of one of the residence types, in other words, the resident should be in Turkey for a legal reason.

What is the permanent residence permit in Turkey?

To know how to obtain the permanent residence permit in Turkey, we should understand the term residence permit itself, we can define the word residence permit that it’s an official document that grants its owner the right to reside in Turkey legally, obtaining the permanent residence permit in Turkey is an excellent thing, as you would be free of the legal procedures that should be done each year after the expiration of the temporary residence permit, you can obtain the permanent residence permit in Turkey and practice all of you rights and start investing in any field that you want.

Types of residence permits in Turkey:

1- Touristic residence permit (short term permit)

2- Residence permit through real estate ownership (real estate residence permit in Turkey)

3- Work residence permit in Turkey

4- Student residence permit in Turkey

5- Humanitarian residence permit in Turkey

Permanent Residence Permit Conditions in Turkey:

1- Permanent residence permit in Turkey is granted after the approval of the Ministry of Interior Affairs for the foreigner resident in Turkish soil permanently uninterrupted for 8 years.

  1. Eight years will be calculated uninterruptedly as stated in Article 38 of the Turkish law, and will be calculated in half for student permits, and calculated fully for other permits.

3- The resident should have a valid health insurance.

4- The resident should not have got any social assistance during the last three years.

5- The resident should have enough regular income for their living expenses and their family’s expenses.

6- The resident should not constitute a threat to public order and security.

Permanent Residence Permit Benefits in Turkey:

1- One of the advantages of the permanent residence permit in Turkey that the owner will have all the rights of the Turkish citizen except candidacy and application for public jobs.

  1. There’s no expiry date and that’s one of the prominent advantages of the permanent residence permit.

3- Having the right to purchase and Owning real estate in Turkey.

4- Having the right to establish companies for those with long term residence permit in Turkey.

5- The right to apply for Turkish Citizenship Law and that is the most prominent advantages of the permanent residence permit in Turkey.

Advantages of the Permanent Residence Permit in Turkey:

1- Permanent residence permit will not be granted to refugees of those with temporary protection ids, or humanitarian residence permits holders.

  1. Foreigners with long-term residence permits have can practice most of the rights that the Turkish citizen have except for some major rights such as:

(Candidacy, voting, public jobs, importing automobiles).

  1. The holder of permanent residence permit is exempted from the obligation to perform military service.
  2. The holder of the permanent residence permit can retain his acquired rights related to insurance.
  3. Permanent residence permits in Turkey are issued indefinitely (without limits).

Permanent Residence Permit Costs:

Permanent residence costs are not considered expensive, its only some fees that needs to be paid like appointment fees and taxes, and the costs of the permanent residence permit in Turkey dos not exceed 500 Turkish liras or less.

Duration of obtaining permanent residence in Turkey:

The main question asked by those willing to obtain the permanent residence in Turkey is the duration of obtaining the permit and how long will this process take, usually the permanent residence in Turkey takes four months after the preparing and sending the required documents to obtain the long-term residence permit in Turkey.

Permanent Residence Permit Through Real Estate Purchase in Turkey:

It is possible to obtain permanent residence permit in Turkey by purchasing a property, because the person who buys a property with a price more than 75k USD obtains a real estate residence permit, according to which he can stay in Turkey legally for a period of eight years, which is the period required to obtain permanent residence in Turkey by purchasing a property in Turkey.


Required Documents to Apply for the Permanent Residence Permit in Turkey:

1- Residence permit application form.

2- Original copy of the passport.

3- Providing previous residence permit.

4- Two pictures in the size of the passport picture (Biometric).

5- A statement showing that the financial income is sufficient and permanent during the period of residence in Turkey.

6- A document that proves that applicant did not get any social assistance from institutions or non-governmental organizations.

  1. A not-judged document.

8- Health insurance (Sigorta).

  1. Permanent residence permit application form.
  2. Detailed residence address.
  3. Providing the above documents to the Turkish Ministry of Interior / General Directorate of Migration Management.

Reasons behind cancelling or rejecting the permanent residence permit in Turkey:

1- If the foreigner constitutes a threat to public order and security.

2- If the applicant for permanent residence resides outside Turkey for a period of more than one year without interruption, except for health conditions, education and compulsory service in his country.

  1. In these mentioned cases, the residence permit will be cancelled by the Immigration Department in the Turkish states.


In the event that you want to obtain residency in Turkey by buying a property, Europ Homes Real Estate provides special offers for those looking for properties for sale in Istanbul or Apartments for sale in Turkeyyou can contact our team for full details about facilitating your stay in Turkey correct and successful real estate investment.

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