نتائج بحثك

Michael Sutther

real estate broker
عضو في: Remax Association
إرسال بريد الكتروني الاتصال 305 555 4555 ال WhatsApp
Experience: 18 years as Expert Realtor
Languages: French, Spanish, English
MLS ID: 12345 MYID - Until 12/12/2025
Schedule: 9 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Saturday
Personal Awards: Best Realtor from 2000-2018
House sales: 19999 until March 2018
Other field: Type anything you wish
Office Address: London St, 123, Blacksmith

التخصصات والخدمات المناطق

معلومات عني

Michael’s sociability, independent spirit, and incredible customer service set him apart as a top agent in the New York real estate market. He works with a range of clients – national and international, as well as investors and local residents. Whether a client is in the market for a single-family home or a luxury penthouse, Michael is there to help out. Between his time in the hospitality and real estate industries, he knows what good service is all about.

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